Our goal at the Turkish Cymbal Company is to provide the sound that drives drummers to create; wtih a unique, totally unmatched offering. Each cymbal we craft is an individual work of art. Uniting the ancient past of Istanbul with the future of music around the world, Turkish Cymbals are made to enchant the senses and ignite inspiration. There are no “factory seconds” and no mass-production; Turkish cymbals either pass our strict qualiy standards or they are cast back into the smelter to begin again. If a cymbal bares our logo, it has attained perfection. This labour-intensive work of passion and tradition relies on the skill and experience of our craftsmen, creating each individual sound for the drummer of influence.


A dramatic one that employs ancient techniques from the early 17th century


The magic of Turkish Cymbals starts here. Red-hot discs are forged in great, fiery ovens. These discs are made of the finest B20 bronze: an amalgam alloy fashioned from a mixture of tin and copper

Once the alloy passes their strict quality standards, they melt it down, and pour hot, liquid bronze into a mould shaped like a cymbal. Upon cooling, the disc is reheated in a traditional oven stoked with wood & coal.



Red-hot castings are pressed into rolling mills. As each casting hardens, a cup is added, and this becomes the bell of the cymbal.

Our smith then retrieves the cymbal, and begins hammering it by hand. The tone, as well as the pitch, is created in this way. After each disc is hammered and coaxed into perfection, it is ready for the final step in the process.



The new cymbal is spun upon a lathe until it is perfectly round. The lathe may also cut grooves to add character.


Finally, our cymbal is either left with a natural finish, or refined with a mirror-like, high polish. As with every other step in the process, the polish is added with care and devotion by hand. Now our creation is ready to be played!

Rare and magical instruments, our cymbals each have unique voices that will continue to sing for as long as you own them.